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Ripe and fresh tangerine oranges hanging on branch, orange orchard. Bunch of ripe oranges
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Broward Grove provides strategic leadership, governance, planning and advisory services to families who are committed to being effective stewards of capital across generations. Our goal is to help clients live well, give well and plan well as they navigate the practical and emotional complexities of legacy wealth. We guide families on that journey, providing customized solutions to a small number of family groups within a full suite of family office services.


Meet the Team

The current team at Broward Grove is comprised of a small but mighty group committed to the goal of serving our clients well. 

Director of Tax & Planning
Tax Manager

Solves puzzles in spare time

Proud to be a tax nerd

Asker of "why?"

Orange Juice


Broward Grove's COFO model serves multiple families. In this model, we operate similarly to a co-op or shared service center, distinct from a multi-family office that has a profit motive or a single-family office that serves only one family. 

This model provides our clients with the following benefits:

  • Strategic leadership, governance, planning and advisory services aligned with their goals, 

  • Economies of scale by sharing quality resources (rather than having to each create their own model), 

  • Insights from other families who are also considering similar questions, and 

  • A coordinated professional approach that can survive the current adult generations.​

Our Services Include:

  • Family office structure and operations

  • Family meetings and education 

  • Investment governance

  • Philanthropic advising and administration

  • Estate planning maintenance & administration

  • Income tax and related financial planning

  • Tax preparation and projections 

  • Cash flow reporting and liquidity management

  • Other project-based services as needed


Risk Map

As Family Office professionals, it's our role to consider the risks a Family and it's Family Office may face.

The following Risk Map was presented at the Forge Fall Gathering on November 19, 2024 in Memphis, TN, to share how our team assesses the myriad risks in the family office environment. 

2024-11-4 Risk Map Placemat_Legal Size.png

Broward Grove would like to acknowledge and thank the following people for contributing their expertise to this work:

Michelle Clements 

Synergy Trust Partners

Tracy Dalton  

Clarendon Family Office LLC

Stephen Mutz

Wind River Ventures

Keri M. Scott 

Mt. Vernon Investments

Timothy N. Thompson

Sedgwick Street Funds

Bruce Better's Enterprise Risk Management 

(presented at the Deloitte 2022 National Family Office Forum) 



UNHW Institute's Ten Domains of Family Wealth 

and the many others who played a part and wish to stay anonymous. Additionally, this work was also inspired by:

For inquiries or permissions to reproduce material, please contact:

                                         5970 Fairview Road, Suite 705, Charlotte, NC 28210


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